on joi, 20 mai 2010

Treziti-va va rog. De ce nu indrazniti sa recunoasteti ca viata voastra este sumbra, obscura, plictisitoare? Ea nu are nicio savoare si ea nu poate fi altfel. Orice bucurie este interzisa unei inimi tulburate, nelinistite. Nu aceasta este adevarata  esenta a sufletului vostru!

777 Agartha Code - The Trailer

Informatii din cartea Agartha Code - Agartha Code book content

Istoria pe care ne-au dat-o sa o invatam este o mare minciuna. Cei care conduc lumea ii impiedica pe cercetatori si istorici sa ne spuna adevarul despre multimea misterelor care se afla pe pamant.
Forte oculte manipuleaza omenirea sustinand vechile minciuni.
Pe planeta sunt mii de piramide de toate marimile, construite dupa legi matematice precise, piramide pe care nici cu tehnologia actuala nu le putem reconstrui. De ce si mai ales cum niste “primitivi” au reusit sa construiasca asemena megastructuri ? De ce ni se ascunde adevarul si cine sunt cei care vor sa ne tina in continuare in intuneric ?
Aici veti descoperi rasunsurile la toate aceste intrebari cu dovezi bine documentate istoric si stiintific.
Informatiile pe care vi le ofer ii vor pune in dificultate atat pe istorici cat si pe cei din spatele lor.
A venit timpul sa aflam ca toate aceste minuni au fost construite de civilizatii inca necunoscute noua.

Chiar daca tu nu crezi , asta nu inseamna ca nu s-a intamplat si nu se intampla...

Atentie , urmatorul material iti poate distruge realitatea iluzorie in care traisti! Aceasta carte contine informatii care iti pot afecta perceptia despre istoria pe care o cunosti. 

In aceasta carte intentia mea este de a aduce probe de o importanta covarsitoare pentru aceasta tara si pentru acest popor, dovezi istorice care demonstreaza existenta unei civilizatii stravechi extraordinare, civilizatia agatarsilor. Adevarata istorie ne este ascunsa deoarece forte externe vor sa distruga cat mai mult si mai repede constiinta si sufletul neamului romanesc transformandu-ne intr-un popor fara identitate si ignoranti. Sper sa anihilez in cele din urma imaginea gresita creata de marile puteri prin disimulare, minciuna si tainuirea adevarului intretinute de interesele oculte ale anumitor organizatii si grupuri de interes. Codul Agarthei va dezvalui adevaruri care vor determina trezirea Neamului Romanesc si vor pune capat manipularii agresive care are ca scop mentinerea in sclavie a poporului roman. Este momentul sa decidem pentru destinul propriilor noastre vieti.
Noi romanii suntem aici de sute de mii sau chiar miloane de ani si nimeni nu ne poate controla vietile. Trebuie sa mai stiti ca a venit momentul trezirii Neamului Romanesc.
Romania de azi este centrul vechiului tinut Agartha.

The history that they gave to us to learn is a great lie. Those that rule the world obstruct researchers and historians to tell us the truth about the wealth of mysteries found on earth. Occult forces manipulate the world supporting the old lies. On the planet are thousands of pyramids of all sizes, built after precise mathematical laws, pyramids that we can not be rebuild even with the modern technology. Why, and more importantly how those “primitives” were able to build such mega structures? Why are we denied the truth and who are those that want to keep us in the dark?
Here you will discover the answers to all these questions based on well documented proofs from a historic and scientific perspective. The information that I will offer you challenges both historians and those who are behind them. The time has come to find out that all these wonders were the creation of civilizations yet unknown to us.

You may not believe it, but this doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened and it doesn't happen…

Warning: The text below can destroy your illusory reality in which you live! This book contains information that can affect your perception about the history you know.

My intention with this book is to bring new proofs of overwhelming importance for this country and this people, historical proofs that demonstrates the existence of a ancestral extraordinary civilization, the agatar civilization. The real history is hidden to us because external forces want to destroy as much as possible and as soon as possible the conscience and soul of the Romanian people transforming us in ignorant people without identity. I hope to finally annihilate the distorted image that the great powers created by dissimulation, as well as the lie and upholding of truth by the occult interests of some organizations and interest groups.
The Agartha code will uncover the truth that will determine the awakening of the Romanian nation and will end the aggressive manipulation that has as goal maintaining the slavery of the Romanian people. The time has come to decide for the destiny of our own life. We, Romanians are here for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions, and nobody should control our lives. You have to know that the awakening moment has come. The today’s Romania is the center of the old Agartha.